Case Studies | Tribal Group plc | Education Thought Leadership

How Lakes College West Cumbria use ebs to track their progress and performance

Written by Tribal Group | Oct 26, 2022 8:47:22 AM

Lakes College West Cumbria have been using Tribal’s ebs for over 15 years. Working in partnership, the solution has ensured the college can successfully track its progress and performance – something Ofsted will look for when they inspect.

Through using ebs, Lakes College West Cumbria can offer their staff and students a solution that has greater flexibility and creates a one stop shop for the management of their data.

Why Tribal?

Karen Wilson, Deputy Principal Finance and Corporate Services, from Lakes College West Cumbria said:

We wanted to invest in Tribal’s solution to integrate our existing systems and offer greater flexibility than the software we previously used. It provides a more comprehensive record, better layout and is a one stop shop for clearer information about students and course records.”

Why Progress and Performance?

The college expanded their use of ebs to support them, putting the power of the system into practice using Ontrack and the Staff and Student hubs. To ensure they can manage their progress and performance they utilise the following modules: ILP, Markbook and Safeguarding.


Ofsted’s interest in progress isn’t new, but it’s essential that colleges have a solution in place to help support the requirements. The ebs OnTrack Hubs give learners and staff the ability to monitor progress through their own personalised views. The user centric layout ensures that goals and targets are clearly visible actions, this also includes the ability for staff to manage their data at department level or areas of learning.


Education providers need to focus on accurate grading, regardless of complexity or range of courses they deliver. This feedback in turn can help to motivate students and prevent drop off from disengaged learners.


A more recent development in ebs, the Safeguarding module allows students to self-report for themselves and their peers, providing a place for learners to feel safe. Notifications for non-urgent incidents are bundled to ensure busy staff are only notified when necessary and custom distribution lists, with optional lock-down means sensitive messages remain confidential.

What does the future look like for Lakes College?

Karen Wilson, Deputy Principal Finance and Corporate Services, from Lakes College West Cumbria said:

The Safeguarding module is new to ebs and we can’t wait to maximise its potential, ensuring we can support the wellbeing of our learners and enable them to thrive. Also, ensuring the grading rules are accurate for the complex and diverse courses we offer gives us peace of mind, ensuring we can quickly and effectively mark assessments and provide feedback to motivate and inspire learners.”

If you’d like to understand how Tribal can help you to manage your progress and performance, get in touch with the team here