Breaking Down Barriers: FIVE things students expect from your mental health and wellbeing provision

Posted by Tribal Group

"Universities need to improve and expand their mental health support. Furthermore, this mental health support needs to be inclusive and fit for the diverse range of students who attend university."   National Union of Students, 2022


Universities face a growing challenge: supporting the mental health of their diverse student body. The National Union of Students rightfully raised the need for not just more mental health resources, but for inclusive and accessible services that cater to every student's unique needs. So, how can universities rise to the occasion and break down the barriers preventing students from reaching out for help?


  1. Removing Roadblocks: Paving the Way to Support

Imagine being lost in a maze, desperate for help but unsure where to turn. That's how many students feel when navigating university mental health services. You can clear the path by:

    • Proactive Outreach: Sending automated emails, promoting events, and using notifications to highlight available support options.
    • Easy Access: Providing multiple communication channels (phone, email, online chat) and a user-friendly appointment scheduling system.
    • Clear Information: Simplifying and centralising information about services, making it easy for students to find what they need.

  1. Combating Stigma: Making Reaching Out Easier

The fear of judgment can be a huge barrier to seeking help. You can combat this stigma by:

    • Normalising the Conversation: Openly discussing mental health through talks, workshops, and social media campaigns.
    • Confidentiality and Security: Ensuring information privacy and secure communication channels to build trust.
    • Diversity in Representation: Showcasing stories of students from different backgrounds who have sought and benefited from support.

  1. Empowering Students with Self-Service Options

Sometimes, students just need a quick answer or a self-guided resource. You can empower them with:

    • Comprehensive Knowledge Base: A readily accessible online database with answers to frequently asked questions.
    • Context-Driven Content: Delivering relevant information based on a student's specific situation or program.
    • Interactive Tools and Assessments: Providing online tools for self-reflection and mental health check-ins.

  1. Personalised Support: Tailoring Resources to Individual Needs

No two students are the same; however, their issues can be similar. You can customise the support experience by:

    • Initial Assessments: Understanding each student's unique challenges and concerns to offer targeted assistance.
    • Connecting with Relevant Specialists: Guiding students to appropriate resources beyond mere counselling, such as academic support or disability services.
    • Follow-up and Check-ins: Regularly monitoring progress and offering ongoing support as needed.

  1. Finding the Right Help - Right Away

No one wants to spend hours searching for the right therapist or support group. You can streamline the process by:

    • Centralised Directory: Creating a comprehensive directory of all available mental health resources and providers.
    • Context-Based Search: Allowing students to filter options based on specific needs, preferences, and availability.
    • Direct Bookings: Enabling students to schedule appointments directly from the search results.

By implementing these five strategies, you can build a more inclusive and effective mental health support system. Remember, supporting students is an ongoing journey, not a one-time fix. By fostering open communication, removing roadblocks, and offering personalised options, you can create a safe and supportive environment where every student feels empowered to reach out for help and thrive.

Want to learn more about building community and combating student loneliness? Check out our recent student group conversation for practical tips and inspiring stories!


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