Why Great Working Relationships are Crucial for Turning Prospects into Graduates

Posted by Daniel Barrass

In order to attract prospective students to your university, a strong working relationship between the marketing and student admissions teams is essential. The two teams must work together to create and execute a comprehensive enrolment marketing strategy that will produce successful results. 

The marketing team is responsible for developing a marketing plan, including branding, digital marketing, social media, content marketing, and other tactics to attract potential students. The admissions team is responsible for recruiting and enrolling students who fit the university's academic and cultural profile. Here are some top tips that can help build a productive relationship between the two teams: 

Develop a shared understanding of each team's goals and objectives: The marketing and admissions teams should clearly understand each other's goals and objectives. The marketing team should understand the admissions team's enrollment targets and the types of students they seek. The admissions team should understand the marketing team's plans to attract potential students and how they can best support those efforts. 

Establish regular communication channels: Communication between the marketing and admissions teams is essential for success. This can be achieved through regular meetings, shared documents, and other communication tools. This ensures that both teams are working towards the same goals and can adjust their strategies as needed. 

Collaborate on messaging and branding: The marketing team should work closely with the admissions team to develop messaging and branding that accurately reflects the university's values, culture, and academic offerings. This ensures the messaging is consistent across all marketing channels and resonates with the target audience.  

Use data to drive decision-making: Both teams should use data to drive their decision-making processes. The marketing team should use analytics to track the effectiveness of their campaigns, and the admissions team should use data to identify trends and adjust their enrollment strategies accordingly. 

Coordinate events and outreach efforts: The marketing and admissions teams should coordinate events and outreach efforts to ensure they reach the right audience. For example, the marketing team can promote open days and other events that the admissions team is hosting. 

Share feedback and insights: Both teams should share feedback and insights with each other to improve their strategies. The admissions team can provide feedback on the quality of leads generated by the marketing team, while the marketing team can provide insights on which campaigns are resonating with potential students. 

Celebrate successes together: Celebrating successes together can help build a positive working relationship between the marketing and admissions teams. When enrollment targets are met, both teams should celebrate their accomplishments together and use the momentum to build on future efforts. 

A strong relationship between the marketing and admissions teams is essential for the success of any university's enrolment marketing strategy. By working together, the two teams can develop a comprehensive plan that attracts the right students to the university and meets the institution's academic and cultural goals. 


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